Empower Youth

For decades, isolation has been on the rise. But young people today still crave and depend on deep, meaningful relationships — just like the generations before them. The challenge? They’re up against headwinds that make connection harder:

  • Schools pushed to deprioritize community in favor of individual achievement.

  • Digital spaces designed for stoking addictive behaviors and social comparison.

  • The rapid rise of generative AI, offering easy substitutes for thing we used to rely on people for.

  • Adults in their lives experiencing their own whiplash, feeling ill-equipped to help navigate this new world.

It is complicated out there. That’s why we’re creating spaces, tools, and activities that help young people take charge. They are being deployed across schools, but also in the other places young people are building community — clubs, camps, online spaces. The goal is not only to help build healthy relationships in their lives today, but to empower this rising generation to shape a future where technology is in service of human potential and connection.

Not One-Size-Fits-All

Awareness: What is shaping my sense of connection — for better or worse? How is technology playing a part in that and how is this poised to shift with the rise of AI?

Intention: With increased awareness, what do I truly want right now? What is at stake and what do I have control over?

Action: What habits, practices, or commitments can I try to get there?

Community: How can engaging in this reflection alongside friends, families, and mentors support my efforts — and how I can show up for them?

Access our resources

This winter, we launched our first Spark Toolkit designed for teens and young adults. It’s built on a few key principles:

Young people lead: No lectures. Just engaging activities that invite their experiences and ideas to the table in low-judgment ways.

Balanced perspectives: Not utopia or dystopia. Instead we’re trying to hone a critical lens on tech’s benefits, and risks.

Flexible & adaptable: Use as a full series or mix into existing learning, structures, and conversations inside and outside of school.

Designed to spread: These activities spark dialogue that extends beyond the moment—into group chats, dinner tables, and friend hangouts.

Want to try it? Join our current pilot or get updates on new releases.